India has been appointed the G20 President for the year 2023, Understanding the momentous intersection of India’s leadership with this influential group is crucial for comprehending global affairs and addressing global challenges. This book has been compiled in the light of India’s G20 Presidency, inspired by the strides made by its countries in their development since the group’s inception. This book offers its readers historical references for future research and analysis, making it an essential resource for understanding the G20. There are numerous perspectives and interdisciplinary subjects which can be and have been discussed in this book. This book serves as a crucial resource for appreciating India’s leadership in the G20, shedding light on its role in addressing pressing global issues,... and providing valuable insights into the complexities of multilateral diplomacy. It offers a comprehensive analysis of India’s presidency and policy priorities, and its effect on the global stage, making it an indispensable addition to the study of international relations and global governance.